Since I doubt you can read that fuzziness, let me tell you that the WINNER of the Pernille Vea Coffee Press, generously donated by, is...
GRACE, commenter #3!
Grace, if you could send your email address and mailing address to kristineonseventeen at yahoo dot com, I will get your info sent along and your coffee press will be on its way! Congratulations!
And thanks, everyone, for commenting and letting me know who you are. Although I think I already knew who most of you are.
I am crazy-minded busy with work and getting my life back on track after three straight weekends of either being a guest, hosting guests, or traveling, so I'll be back later this week, hopefully, with a real post. In the meantime, in between time, I just need to say two things:
1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (the movie) was ONE OF THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENTS I COULD HAVE IMAGINED. And this is coming from a MAJOR Harry Potter fan. More on that later--did you see it? What did you think?
2. Do you know what the most amazing thing about Savannah is? YOU CAN CARRY AROUND ROADIES ON THE STREET AND IT IS TOTALLY LEGAL!
are you saying you can carry around men to haul your tour gear in and out of venues?
WHOOT WOO! This is the first contest I've ever won in my life - I feel so honored!
You deserve a little wind down time because you're the HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTESS! Seriously, I cannot wait to get back to Omaha for more fun with the fam. (And now you got me thinkin Savannah because everyone needs a roadie from time to time.)
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