Your "Before" refresher?

Ok, that's a REALLY early "before"--note the co-sleeper that Kiddokabiddo has not slept in for a solid year and the lack of new furniture.
Let's try again:

So that's what we were living like up until the day before Memorial Day weekend. EHHHHHH.
What, pray tell, are we living now?

The paint? Olympic's "Caruso", and "French Riviera" as the wall behind our bed. We also bought a new summerweight comforter (Target) and the bed pillows, THE FIRST WE HAVE EVER OWNED, came from IKEA.
We installed an IKEA shelf over my dresser, brought in my long-suffering spider plant and bought a curly grass, and slapped up our other wall decal from Leen the Graphics Queen.

And our art. I'm proud of this since it didn't cost us more than $2.50. We already had the two big framed Yerba Buena and Yerba Mansa prints from Jill Bliss in our guest room (thanks Dad!), but when I moved them into our room, it felt really bare between them.
I, however, am a huge Jill Bliss fan and have been using her datebooks and stationery for years at this point, so I hauled out some unused stationery and notecards, ran down to Thrift America for some preowned frames, and GOT IT DONE!
Recession-era decorating! Reusing what you have! Vee was thrilled that I didn't spend a fortune!
I'm still lusting after the Douglas Fir poster for the guest room since the new decorating theme in there is THE NORTHWEST, but since I just bought a print from 20x200 for the guest room, I guess that will have to wait until the next pay month. In eight days.
Does anyone have any recommendations for TABLE LAMPS or mounted nightstand lights? I think that's the one thing I'm unhappy with so far. We have been using Vee's ancient old light literally since 2002, and I am tired of feeling like I am still in college.
Also, the wall our bed faces currently looks like this:

That's the hope chest my daddy made me as a wedding gift, and it's staying put and receiving glory for the rest of its life, and those are two IKEA mirrors set above it. We want to keep our room decor looking natural and prairie-like since, with the sea color and wavy mirrors, it's too easy to look beachy, which is TOTALLY NOT US.
So what can I do with this wall? Suggestions? Product recommendations? We're trying to keep it cheap, but inspire me!
a plant - tall, not a palm, would look good just to the left of the hope chest?
Thank you!
How fabulous does your bedroom look? Holy cats, I totally dig the color and I would have NEVER guessed that. The cards on the wall look so beautiful and I really like the decal. Way to rock it!
I wish I had more recommendations, but Anonymous tagged it - tall plant all the way.
Oh my gosh, a huge change. It looks great.
Maybe a chalkboard for that wall? Or a pretty jewelry display?
Great changes! I really like the bedding. Excellent work!
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